miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge

The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge is that when the four-legged angels (and any other creature we have Loved) say goodbye to us and with a sigh let their last farewell go through this bridge. On the other side of this, you will find meadows and hills where you can run, play and enjoy your innocence...

They say that there, on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is enough space, food, water and sunshine for all of them to feel good. Moreover, according to this legend, all who have been sick, have been mutilated or cruelly hurt, see their health restored and brimming with joy.

According to this beautiful Rainbow Bridge legend, our friends are happy and satisfied except that they miss someone special that they left on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. So all of a sudden, while everyone is running and playing, some of them stop and stick their bright gaze on the horizon.

His body shudders and with great emotion he separates from his group running through the field quickly. They see us in the middle of the bridge and run swiftly to be greeted. It tells the legend of the Rainbow Bridge that then, humans and animals, friends of the soul, we gather and never ever separate.

Their wet lengüetazos bathe our face and our hands can only caress our angel of four legs, our beloved creature. Then, according to the legend, we remain united for all eternity through a mutual wise look full of love and nobility.

I hope to see Odi and Laika again

First of all I want to remind my dog Laika that a few days ago he died.
Laika was my first dog, he was always with me, in the bad times, in the good times.
Thanks to her I learned many things about this world so much that I took to work with dogs.
I miss her so much when I get home and I see she's not here, she left too much.

I'm going to use this blog as a way to relieve myself
Thank you and greetings